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Transit Oriented Development or TOD is gaining credence as one of the most popular planning tools for increasing access to transit, 然而, 实施TOD, one must understand the regulatory context and legal approach to planning and property development.




随着新的交通走廊在世界上许多发展中的城市出现, 它们穿过了各种城市条件的区域, many that were organized around the personal vehicle as the primary mode of transport.

因此, the most important challenge emerging before urban planners is how we can rapidly reorganize such places to allow for maximum utilization of the investment made in building such transit infrastructure. Transit Oriented Development or TOD is gaining credence as one of the most popular planning tools for increasing access to transit, 给潜在的乘客一个公平的机会来改变. 然而, 实施TOD, one must first and foremost understand the regulatory context and legal approach to planning and property development. 在这个博客中, I want to expand on the regulatory and legal challenges that have slowed down acceptance to TOD, 特别是在发展中国家.

Urbanization in most developing countries began to outpace population growth rapidly in the last three to four decades. 为了控制这个, urban planning practices have evolved to become extremely rigid and rather restrictive.

阻碍tod友好型规划方法的一些最常见的担忧, 而是提倡严格的城市控制, 是:

  1. Higher density, if allowed near transit stations, may lead to higher levels of congestion. The inability to manage growing levels of congestion in cities due to the steady growth in car ownership is one of the most important factors guiding this fear.
  2. 围绕交通基础设施的城市场所大规模改造, 或实施土地价值获取工具, 会导致中产阶级化吗. 在这种情况下也是如此, the inability to address the growing housing needs due to steady migration into cities guides this fear of marginalizing the city’s poor.
  3. Imposition of spatial structures that are conducive to better access and circulation may challenge the rights of private property owners. Most planning laws do not allow for non-monetary compensation to private property owners in exchange for handing over land for roads or other infrastructure. 因此,对于资金紧张的当局来说, 创建一个可步行的街道网络变得极其困难, 特别是在人口稠密的地区.
  4. Flexibility in land uses would complicate property servicing and computation of taxes. Many cities earn revenues on development fees or property taxes at rates that are defined by land use. How mixed land uses would be serviced or taxed is a common challenge that continues to discourage the implementation of flexible land use planning.

This list is not exhaustive but captures some of the most common challenges to TOD implementation in cities of the developing world.

While the solutions to these challenges are certainly dependent on local contexts, we at IBI Group have identified some key actions that support TOD implementation, 包括:

  1. 管理停车: Many challenges would be resolved if parking is treated as real estate instead of an essential amenity. Limiting parking while allowing higher densities near transit infrastructure would ensure that these places are occupied by transit captive populations. 这也将确保负担能力.
  2. 执行最低住房要求(而不是最低停车位要求)!): Affordable and inclusive housing is a citywide need and must be extended to station areas as well. 住房的最低要求, 加上停车限制, 能在一定程度上确保负担能力吗.
  3. 使土地组装成为可能在日本,土地整理是一种广泛使用的工具, 在印度的一些邦很少使用. 如果应用得当, land assembly planning measures allow large-scale transformations of neighbourhoods, 为可达和开放的街道网络腾出土地, 露天场所和交通广场, 同时用价值更高的地块补偿土地所有者.
  4. 建议混合使用类型: The purpose of mixed-use developments is to enable around-the-clock activity, 以及共享停车场和其他关键资源. 考虑到这一点, 具体的混合用途类型可以建议作为土地利用区域, 简化分区程序,放宽实施. Some recommended mixes include residential + retail, and office + retail + hospitality.

必须记住, 然而, 每个地方都是不同的, 而我们还没有找到灵丹妙药. 我们希望随着更多挑战的出现, we continue to find ways to manage them and enable a more sustainable way of life for the urban world.

Zohra Mutabanna是一位城市和交通规划师, and urban designer with a wide range of experience in transportation planning, 体系结构, 通过美国和印度的项目进行城市设计. Zohra从事的项目涉及以交通为导向的发展, 非机动交通规划, 街道景观设计, 交通服务规划, 微仿真建模和传输技术. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Masters in City 规划 and a concentrated focus in transportation planning and urban design.

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写的 Zohra Mutabanna

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